Developer Team - Vendor Update v.1.1

Developer Team - Vendor Update v.1.1

Right of now, we're offering a great forcast for future Vendors of the platform.
New features are beeing developed and added every week an we will try to keep
everyone updated during the process!

New features this week:

  • Video Gallery for products
  • Automatic & manual stickers for products
  • Tax Settings - Manual 3 - 30% depending on product & product category
  • Product Bundle feature
  • RMA - Return handling for falty/warrenty products.

The comming week,we hope to implement the long time developed EU VAT Regulation, according to EU laws!
Please bare with us for any updates that may shut the platform down for a little while!

As always, we welcome your feedback, request for features and any pointers or critical errors!

Yours Truly,
Develper Team @

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